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Creating relevant content for HCPs

Busy healthcare professionals (HCPs) demand access to timely and relevant information. But how do you know what type of content is valuable to a HCP?

As a platform used by over 21,000 Australian HCPs, we are often asked this question. To provide some insights into what HCPs find engaging, content was grouped into the following categories:

  • Patient resources: Patient support programs, how to guides and videos etc.

  • HCP resources: PI, MOA, COVID-19 resources, KOL videos, dosage and administration guides etc

  • Tools and calculators: Interactive efficiency tools like with treatment schedule generators, dosage and risk calculators, infusion centre finders and more

  • Digital forms: Streamlined processes such as medical request, patient enrolment and sample request forms

  • Hospital resources: Resources accessed within a hospital department such as rosters, guidelines and protocols, staff directory, journal club presentations

  • Event resources: Anything and everything to do with events and webinar such as invitations, interactive agendas, evaluations forms and on-demand replays

  • News and publications: Connection specific news eg stock updates, publications such as the Limbic, PracticeUpdate, Twitter feeds and more

Key findings

Based on number of views from 1 April 2021 to 31 March 2022

  • Despite the move to virtual and hybrid meetings, myINTERACT remains an educational event hub for HCPs with 29% of total views. Knowledge lives on past the event accessible anytime, anywhere

  • Many teaching hospitals nationally continue to use myINTERACT to share essential department information particularly rosters and journal club presentations

  • Digital forms account for 13% of views. Streamlining processes with features like digital signatures help HCPs save time so they have more time for patient care

  • Availability of interactive tools and calculators is increasing and becoming more sophisticated

Not all specialties are the same

As you might expect, this varies across specialties. As a case study we compared gastroenterology and endocrinology based on the number of content views.

  • Gastroenterology is largely dominated with educational meeting content primarily due to the number of webinars that have been conducted over the COVID period and partnerships with GESA, GENCA

  • Content views in Endocrinology are more equally spread between categories. Digital forms, primarily sample/product requests, account for 32% of total views followed by event resources and HCP resources

Behaviour data is important to understand what content is valuable to HCP. myINTERACT delivers relevant and personalised content which can be consumed at their convenience. With real time tracking, learn what resonates so you can continuously adapt to their changing needs.

If you would like to understand how myINTERACT can help you deliver engaging relevant content, or facilitate your next event, contact us today.

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