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Improve Access

One touch to access everything relevant 

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Just one login to access all professional  connections across phone, tablet or desktop

myINTERACT's multi-tenancy, personalisation and navigation features resolves the healthcare-wide problem of “internet clutter”. Ongoing engagement is enabled by making it easier to access Life sciences and healthcare groups' support and resources in a single location that is centralised and relevant.


Offline and multi-device

myINTERACT is designed for healthcare professionals, which means it needs to be accessible in places with limited internet connection.


  • Most content can be saved offline reducing reliance on internet connection.

  • Upload to the cloud after usage to save local device space.

  • Users can also access myINTERACT on all main device types- iOS, Android and Desktop - to fit in with busy work lives. 

Your content is now accessible anytime, anywhere
Offline & multi-device
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Streamline operations

"Always-on" service and support

Build visually-attractive interfaces as part of your Connection wall tailored to your customers’ unique needs and bridge any divide limiting efficient service.

Curate dynamic and digitised versions of best practice with SmartForms, SmartDirectories, iSupport and more. 

Anything can be fully customisable with tailored security measures to align with internal protocols.

Personalise for quick-access

Users manage their preferences ​
  • Users can adjust the order of their connections and place their most regularly accessed one at the top which is synched across devices.

  • Most frequented pieces of content can be marked as a favourite and found in the favourite section. 

  • Users can update their profile to receive a feed of content personalised to them.

Connection mehods
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Out-bound connection methods

Connect new or existing customers to myINTERACT using various in built features - Access codes, QR codes or triggered e-invites from our Shared Asset Manager. Alternatively add links into banners or external material to drive connections.

Connection is simple but secure 

Expiry dates and
geo-locations can be applied to access methods.

Select method

Select the most appropriate access method based on channel of communication.

Linked to teams

Access methods can be linked to specified teams so end-users can access only what is relevant to them.

Security measures

Further verification steps and security measures can be applied at any point in the process. 


The new normal starts with myINTERACT


Built for tomorrow. Ready for today.

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