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Powered by myINTERACT Events

Enhance your digital strategy across the whole product life cycle

Strengthen customer relationships now and in the future...
myINTERACT is a unique Content Management System (CMS) that can be applied across the whole product life cycle. Our model pursues an exchange proposition - life science and other healthcare contributors distribute value-based content to healthcare professionals, which enables greater access and insights to their needs and preferences.

Designed in collaboration with healthcare professionals, it acts as a digital bridge between them and life sciences and healthcare groups.

One platform, multiple solutions
One place to alert your customers of change, provide support and utilise the current and future power of digitalisation.

Gain insights and understand what resonates - creating a cycle of continuous improvement.
Harness the power of digital via our key pillars
Transforming the way life science organisations and healthcare groups engage healthcare professionals and patients.
Increase awareness
Boost your campaigns and be unmissable
Utilise a push and pull strategy through alert tools, discoverable connections and a centralised feed to draw customers to things they want to know.

Improve access
An always-open gateway to your brand
Speed up, simplify and centralise access to relevant information, personnel and support.
Enhance value
Strengthen relationships by delivering significant customer value
Deliver greater efficiencies and impact by sharing innovative, scalable digital content.

Continuously improve
Learn what resonates and act upon new insights
Generate evidence-based, actionable insights and be responsive to changing healthcare needs.
Compliant & adaptive
Embrace innovation without disrupting internal workflows
Transform your digital strategy, in weeks not months, within a platform that is secure, adaptive and scalable.

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