Powered by myINTERACT Events

Internal field force solution
Transform field force engagement
A comprehensive multi-device field force application that increases efficiency, lifts impact and improves internal communications. Use myINTERACT for remote ways of working by centralising e-detailing aids, scientific resources and support tools. Used globally by sales representatives, medical science liaisons and distributors to showcase innovation.
Automate processes and increase effectiveness
Existing content can be organised and repurposed into automated, digital settings with our SmartAssets then amplified with our alert mechanisms.
Reduce repetition and increase understanding
Our in-built session manager means you can record any interaction within myINTERACT and send to customers post-meeting.
Virtually all interactions within content are trackable so to gauge a deep understanding of what is impactful.
myINTERACT’s in-built event capability can be used for sales conferences, training or virtual meetings.

Quick to implement
Implementation requires minimal administrator training and is up and running within a matter of days.

Easy to manage
Administrators can easily manage and organise content to segmented teams whilst communicating updates with ease.

Content is quicker to locate and easy to present enabling users to focus on the customer rather than the device.

Offline & multi-device
Content can be located and presented even when there is limited wifi.

Trusted & secure
Meets global healthcare standards of security and privacy.